Saturday, December 6, 2014

Strawberry Swiss Roll

I made some swiss roll as my housemate's belated birthday present. It was not as successful as the sponge cake was too solid. I like it soft and fluffy. This is beautiful to look at but tricky to cut. Strawberry shortcake might be an easier version.

A twist of Korean/Jap?

This is just one of those nights that I do not know what to eat. 

The Woolworth nearby does not have a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and I can't be bother to get my groceries from the closest Asian area nearby. 

Some brown onion, some minced beef, Korean chili paste, sesame oil and an egg. 

  1. Brown onion in heated pan.
  2. Add minced beef and sesame oil with Korean chili paste when cooked. 
  3. Mix in an egg at the end.

After everything is cooked, crack an egg and stir through

I had them with some lettuce

Korean chili paste